Un-Failure Store

We all accept that failure is a very normal part of life. It’s a key step in the process of growth and learning. And yet, in today’s world, failure is considered shameful and unacceptable. Our conventional education system has conditioned us to fear failure to the point that we are even afraid of pursuing what truly makes us happy and taking risks.

We are also questioning the definition of failure and success and what it means to an individual. Something which considered as failure by the system or society may not be a failure in that person's mind. e.g. an artist finds happiness in an art form he practices and he may not be recognized for that at all, but he is a failure in the eyes of the society because he doesn't have a successful career.

When people like Mark Zuckererg or Steve Jobs share their failure, it is considered acceptable and inspirational because they are very successful individuals. Why do we always see failure only in relation to conventional success? Why can’t 99% of us share and celebrate our journey of failures ?

How can you help? spreading the words, volunteer, sponsor, mentor, referring candidates, becoming a partner and hosting the event at local levels, actively participating in planning and executing the event.

Please join Asmakam to celebrate spirit of sharing failures. We are planning to spread this campaign on social media platform by tagging and challenging our friends in the network to upload a 1-2 min videos covering these points or at least points 1 and 2 using tags.

#unfailuretalks #unfailuretalks < yourcity > #asmakam.

1. what is your definition of failure?

2. Any failure moment of your life where you are system considered you fail and how it helped you in achieving better things in life

3. why do you think this campaign - "sharing failure stories" is needed and should reach to a bigger audience

Once we receive at least 100 videos from a city we plan to hold (Un) Failure talks in cities across India as an open mic event format where people can share their failure stories-- and express themselves through any medium (song, poetry, short film, art etc.). We are collaborating with schools, colleges, organizations to host this event to show their confidence in youths and teens who are frustrated by the system and appreciate their efforts.

Archana Parsai Gehlot
Co Founder, Asmakam - Self Led Learning Space